I want His favor to surround me, but am I righteous? I can do many of the synonyms of righteous--I can be honest, a person of integrity. I can be moral and good and decent, but am I what the Bible refers to as righteous? No, never, at least not on my own. My own righteousness--being seen as all of these synonyms is as filthy rags according Isaiah, but thankfully it doesn't end there. After Christ paid my ransom and brought me into right standing with God, I take on His righteousness. This was mentioned several times in the New Testament by both Peter and Paul. Were we to stand before God in our own right standing we would fall woefully short, but because we stand before God in the right standing of His Son that is how He chooses to see us.
So, yes! I am considered righteous and am surrounded with God's favor. In what areas of your life do you need to see God's favor? Bring those areas to the Father of Lights who wants to surround you with His blessing. Be prepared though, as often He chooses to bless us and surround us with His favor in ways we cannot even comprehend at the time of our asking. For He sees the future; He sees what will truly bless us, what will truly surround us with His favor.
Walk in the favor of our Lord today friend. Begin walking and talking and acting as if you already see that favor surrounding you. Walk it in faith. He is all about building our character in this journey of faith. Walk in the favor, taking on the righteousness of Christ.