How full is Christ in your life? I'm picturing a glass full to overflowing. I'm picturing the vastness of the scene beyond these feet. That is how full I want to be of Christ in me. What richness! I want to be fully saturated with His presence.
What happens when a cup gets overfilled? It flows over onto whatever is around it. When we are filled to overflowing with Christ He will spill over onto those around us. But what does this mean to us? How can the fullness of the message of Christ affect our lives?
Sometimes the best way to illustrate something is to show the opposite. Unfortunately, today I have a personal opposite story. This day I started the day out of sorts; I slept in just an additional 15 minutes, I didn't take time to exercise. I read my Bible, but you know how you can read something without really taking it in? That's what I did--I just read and didn't look for how it could apply to me. During the day, I just continued in my funk. I had an inner attitude about someone that affected how I saw them all day. I don't think they could have done anything that I would have seen in a positive light. Eventually, I snapped at them and walked away. Ugly, huh? I have to be honest, I really don't like sharing my mess-ups, but it was real. I ended my day thinking, "I really don't like myself very well when I'm around that person." What was I full of that day? Myself.
How might my day have looked better if I'd been full of the message of Christ? If I'd been living in the richness of His presence? If I'd let Him fill my life? Galatians 5 tells us what that looks like. The fruit of His Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Instead of spilling my ugly I'd have spilled some of this. Which would you rather have spilled all over you?
Today I'm going to spill the good stuff cause I'm going to allow Him to fill me with Himself. Right now I'm going to send myself an email to work of a picture of a glass overflowing to remind me to take care of what I'm spilling and make sure I get a refill throughout my day as needed.