As I step into my pants I might read His words. As I put on a shirt I listen to uplifting, worshipful music. As I put on my makeup I have a conversation with God. As I slip on my jewelry I remember His faithfulness. I'm not talking about doing these things simultaneously, just in case I've confused you. I'm just encouraging us to look at the how we might clothe ourselves with Jesus.
If I found the fountain of youth and splashed around in it becoming younger and younger, enjoying the freedom of movement, the exuberance of youth, then as I came out of the fountain I put on my "old" self of what use would it be? If I had found the fountain of youth, but it only mattered for the few minutes while I was immersed in it, what value would that be? I might have a temporary lift in my body and emotions which would most likely carry over a little into my day, but I would want that fountain to spill into every area of my life. I would want to share it so others could benefit from its healing waters.
The same is true in my walk with God. If my spiritual self is only fed periodically, or even daily, but I don't let it affect my life, of what value is it? That is what James 1:23--24 says, "Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like someone who looks at his face in a mirror and, after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like." We have all had times of this. There have been times I read my Bible simply because I knew I should (and I'm a rule follower!). As I shared with my Bible Study Ladies many times, those times I did it by rote helped me develop a consistency and I am grateful for that. But that is not enough.
To truly clothe myself with the Lord Jesus Christ is my greatest desire. If I am to be of any benefit to others I care about in my life it can't be Carolyn doing it because I am a flawed human being. Sometimes I am selfish and ignorant--all about me. But if I am clothed with Jesus I am loving and kind; I care more about them than myself. I don't have the words to tell you how deeply this is affecting me even as I write. My heart is breaking for the me I want to be.
But I am heartened because I know that if God put it in His word then He will enable me to become that me-that-I-want-to-be.
Recently, my son-in-love and my daughter read something on facebook that concerned them. A friend shared a desperation she was feeling. Uriah told Mandi they needed to reach out to her--to be of any help they possibly could. Mandi as well was deeply concerned. Many times we might see someone in pain and reach out to them in that moment--thank you for being Christ in that touch. But Uriah and Mandi have continued to be there for her. They've prayed, they've cared. This is being clothed with Jesus Christ.
Won't you, with me choose to be clothed with Christ on a moment-by-moment basis? We will mess up. Flesh woman/man (as Joanna Weaver calls her in her book "Having a Mary Spirit") will rise up and be heard from time to time, but let's ask Christ to help us keep her under wraps more and more as we clothe ourselves with Him.
Jesus, my prayer today as every day is that I might come to know you better that I might love you more. And in loving Him more I will love others better.