I'm just sayin' it like it is. Usually this statement is following something unpleasant that was just said. Is that what we are being encouraged to do? To just say it like it is? We may have spoken a truth in a harsh way or we may have spoken what we perceive to be truth and therefore it came from our heart. But I think this goes much deeper than "just sayin'."
When the Bible speaks of the heart it is usually speaking to the seat of our feelings--our deepest thoughts. And while that is still true in this instance I think it also infers gentleness. The surrounding verses are showing someone acting honorably, thinking more highly of another than ourself, someone who does the right thing.
To speak the truth from our heart may mean saying something that is uncomfortable, but it is saying it in such a manner that the hearer hears love.
If you are anything like me you let your guard down around those you love the most. So they may actually be the ones who hear a blunt truth rather than one couched in love. Unfortunately that means those we love the most may feel the razor sharpness of our tongue when they are actually the ones who should most feel the softness and the gentleness of our love.
Today, let's put a filter between our unguarded thoughts (that may be based on having a hard day at work) and our lips. Let that filter be a reminder of how much we love that person. And let's not just say it like it is to others either--our heavenly Father loves them dearly.