Once when Calvin Coolidge was presiding over the Senate, an altercation arose between two Senators. Tempers flared, and one Senator told the other to go straight to hell. The offended Senator stormed from his seat, marched down the aisle and stood before Mr. Coolidge, who was silently leafing through a book. “Mr. President,” he said, “did you hear what he said to me?” Coolidge looked up from his book and said calmly, “You know, I have been looking through the rule book. You don’t have to go.” (Encyclopedia of Illustrations #6511).
I also have been reading the rule book. It says that if we are in Christ Jesus we have been acquitted; we are pronounced "not guilty." The sin law pronounces us all guilty, because every one of us have sinned. But through Jesus Christ we can life under the law of the Spirit of life, which sets us free from that sin law. Does it mean we do not sin any longer? I only wish! No, we still live in a world that entices us to sin at every level. But the Spirit of life allows us to set our minds on living according to His wishes. And not only that, but the Spirit of life gives us the ability, the power to say no to the wrong that is crouching at our door.
That power is an amazing thing. Another of my favorite verses from the Bible is Eph. 2:19--20, which says that the power working in us who believe is the same power that raised Christ from the dead. Is there anything that power cannot do?
So, today, walk in the freedom of "not guilty." Walk in the freedom from that which crouches at your door wanting to bring you down. Walk in the freedom that allows you to believe the best in others. Walk in the freedom that allows you to be humble and kind and generous. Walk in the freedom of the Spirit of life!