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Messy Diaper?

Writer's picture: Carolyn KincaidCarolyn Kincaid

What is more peaceful than a child sleeping? This section in Romans 12 in the NIV is appropriately titled "Love in Action." It is truly love at work when we are doing our best to live at peace with everyone. Other instructions in preceding verses are to be joyful in hope, patient in troubles, faithful in prayer. I think these three are key to living at peace with others.

Joyful in hope--we don't hope for something we already have, but if we can be joyful in the belief that we will obtain whatever it is we are hoping for we will be contagious. Have you ever noticed when someone smiles it tends to spread? Try it sometime--just smile at people at the store, smile as you pass someone in a hallway, catch a neighbor's eye and give them a toothy grin. Watch reactions. Not that joy is just looking happy, but that's a start. This tells us to choose joy even while we're still in the waiting room.

Patient in troubles--I have to giggle, the word picture that came to my mind was a baby in a messy diaper--that's how I feel in my troubles. Not conducive to patience. However, have you ever noticed that God doesn't just ask us to do the easy things? If we only ever had easy and no troubles, we'd never grow. We'd stay an infant in maturity, in character. So, okay, next time I find myself facing trouble of some sort I'm going to try to remember this messy diaper word picture and at least it will give me a reminder to have patience.

Faithful in prayer--I will admit I often just try to get it done if something needs doing instead of starting with prayer. I bet God gets tired of wondering if Carolyn will ever learn to come to Him first. I'm sure I wouldn't have to work so hard at being joyful in my hope if I were more consistently going to Him first in prayer. It would be easier to be patient in troubles if I prayed first instead of leaving it for my last resort. My husband says I'm an "Oh Jesus!" passenger in the car. I tell him I'm just keeping him safe, but he is not convinced. I think I should be an "Oh Jesus!" person in every situation.

In conclusion, these three love-in-action instructions will go a long way toward letting us live at peace with everyone. Let's give it a go, shall we? God says we can take Him at His word. We can put His word to the test to prove Him. Joyful, patient pray-er = peace.

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