I obtained this background through the You Version Bible app. It is copywriten by Church Motion Graphics Inc.
In a recent worship service we were singing the song, "Christ is Enough" by Hillsong and I had to ask myself, "Is Christ really enough?" What if He doesn't answer my current prayer in the way I want? What if He says no to my plea for a promotion at work? What if the person I am praying for to open their life to Him chooses not to do so? What if my family member struggling with addiction never gets clean? Will Christ still be enough for me? What about you?
Is Christ really worth all of my devotion? Is there something on this earth that would truly satisfy me in the way Christ does?
Part of the song says, "Through every trial my soul will sing. No turning back--I've been set free." As I sang the words my heart answered, "Yes! Christ really is enough." As I've walked difficult paths I can say that He has enabled my soul to sing. When I've come to Him broken, shattered by circumstances beyond my control He has wrapped me in His arms and held me close. He gives me peace when the storms of life threaten to drown me. This is no pie-in-the-sky in the sweet by and by hope that I hold on too. This has been reality for me. This is a bedrock on which I can stand.
I want to encourage you come to Jesus with your pain. Come to Jesus with the sorrow that wants to overwhelm. Come to Jesus when there is no other way to turn. He truly does satisfy. He has written us a love letter in the Bible that speaks to every hurt we will ever experience. He has given Himself that we might fully have peace with God. There is nothing too difficult, no flood too high, no fire too hot that He cannot tame. There is no test too great that He will not give you a way to break through...if you will only come to Him.