Notice what this does not say--it does not say that all things are good. There are lots of things that are not good. There are lots of things that are downright evil. They're bad. There is no good in them.
It also does not say that all things work for good for everyone. With every promise of God there is also a premise. This one is that God works good for those who love Him. This is only a promise for those who have given their lives over to the Savior.
What this does say is that in ALL things God works for our good. Yes, in all things. Keep reading the next verse. Romans 8:29, tells us the purpose for which God uses these things for our good--that we will become more like Jesus. He uses even the bad things to make us more like Christ.
Have you ever noticed how good things don't cause us to grow? I can have a great day; I meet my goals at work, nobody came in and yelled at me because I overdrew their checking account, no interpersonal bumps in the road during the day, both of my kids called me just to chat, I hit all green lights on my way home from work, things were just great. Did anything cause me to use patience? Did circumstances encourage me to take the high road? Did conversations need a special touch of grace? Not if everything went well. So, good day, no growth.
However, give me a bad day and I have opportunity after opportunity to grow. On my way to work (running just a few minutes behind) I have to stop behind several school bus stops and hit all the red lights--patience comes in to play. Maybe I also wasn't speeding through the intersection where a pedestrian was crossing the road texting instead of watching for traffic. Possibly, I had some seeming catastrophe blindside me and I was able to dig deep for God's grace for that moment.
So I can live exultantly knowing that if God is for me, who can be against me (vs. 31)! What happenings can separate me from God's love? From His care? God, who didn't even spare the life of His own Son, but willingly gave Him up that I might have life in all its abundance both now and forever--will He not graciously give me everything I need?
Yes, in everything God works for my good. I will walk in that promise and rest in His care.